David and Lynwen established LPA Human Resources and Management Development Consultancy over fifteen years ago
and work in close partnership with a variety of clients, from small businesses to large companies.
As an employer, you will sometimes face tough HR decisions.
LPA can support you in making and implementing those. We ensure all employees are treated with fairness and dignity whilst supporting the commercial needs of your business.
Read more about LPA or call for an informal chat
on 01737 270 539 to discuss your requirements.
HR Consultancy
At LPA, we offer a virtual HR department to our clients – an effortless way to outsource your HR function. Our HR Consultancy service gives you HR Support at the end of the phone, ready to respond to your queries and provide detailed, accurate advice whenever you need it, plus on-site support and bi-annual workshops to keep you updated.
Join our HR Forum for retained, fast and effective HR Support.
HR Issues
Employees know their rights, so it’s essential that you know yours. Protect your business from the potential damages of litigation by establishing workable HR policies.
We offer a range of services to take the anxiety out of your recruitment and employment tasks or your disciplinary, redundancy and termination procedures or long-term sickness absence.
We can support you, your managers and your business through all HR Issues.